The US is having its most active flu season in 15 years

The U.S. is currently experiencing very high levels of seasonal influenza across the country. Here’s why.
Science and Technolgy blog
The U.S. is currently experiencing very high levels of seasonal influenza across the country. Here’s why.
Researchers believe they have rediscovered a mysterious star system first spotted in 2011. If true, the alien sun and its exoplanet companion are speeding through our galaxy at more than 1.2 million mph. However, it is unclear if this is…
Norovirus is highly infectious and causing a lot of illness this winter. Several vaccine candidates are making their way through clinical trials.
After hundreds of hours of observations, researchers captured a highly detailed image of a long filament of the “cosmic web” connecting two distant galaxies. The discovery opens new windows for understanding how structures form and evolve in the universe.
Frontier, the second fastest supercomputer in the world, used dark matter and the movement of gas and plasma rather than just gravity to model the observable universe.
A new study draws a line between random genetic mutations and predictable epigenetic changes used to measure biological aging.
A study led by NASA and NOAA has found that California is sinking in some areas, which means the projected sea level rise for parts of Los Angeles and San Francisco has doubled.
DNA and RNA epigenetics, once thought to be separate, have now been found to work together to fine-tune gene expression.
Astronomers have used a continent-sized radio telescope to find the largest black hole jet ever observed in the early universe.
Dying of heartbreak is a trope that often pops up in myth and fantasy. In Star Wars, Padmé Amidala may have died of a broken heart after her husband turned to the dark side, becoming Darth Vader. Shakespeare’s King Lear…