Robotics might someday give us an extra hand

Have you ever struggled with a task because having two arms just wasn’t enough? If so, you might appreciate a new device that could lend a helping hand — literally. You strap on this robotic arm, then control it with…

Windows 0-day was exploited by North Korea to install advanced rootkit

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) A Windows zero-day vulnerability recently patched by Microsoft was exploited by hackers working on behalf of the North Korean government so they could install custom malware that’s exceptionally stealthy and advanced, researchers reported Monday. The vulnerability,…

Lufthansa is using artificial sharkskin to streamline airplanes

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson | Getty Images) Companies are often caught between wanting to cut emissions but also grow profits. But for airlines, these two different imperatives actually align. Cutting carbon emissions means burning less fuel and spending less money…

Do mentally tough athletes choke less? New study has answer

According to a new study published in Frontiers in Psychology, there is no significant link between mental toughness and choking susceptibility in athletes. The ability of athletes to perform under pressure is crucial in determining their success. Choking, or the…

Brains in sync: Sisters show fascinating neural similarity in new study

A recent neuroimaging study conducted in Finland revealed that sisters exhibit more similar brain activity than friends or acquaintances when watching a movie. This increased similarity was particularly evident in brain areas associated with complex cognitive functions, including the default-mode…

Scientists Say: Telomere

Telomere (noun, “TELL-oh-meer”) Telomeres are protective caps at the tips of DNA in chromosomes. DNA is a molecule that contains the instructions for how to make and maintain a specific organism. It is made up of chemical building blocks called…

The periodic table might soon have a new element

We may be one step closer to adding a new element to the periodic table.  The table currently lists 118 chemical elements. Each has a different number of protons in the nucleus of its atoms. They range from one proton…

Meditation can backfire, worsening mental health problems

Since mindfulness it’s something you can practice at home for free, it often sounds like the perfect tonic for stress and mental health issues. Mindfulness is a type of Buddhist-based meditation in which you focus on being aware of what…

Taiwanese public largely rejects gender self-identification, survey finds

A new study published in Archives of Sexual Behaviour reveals that an overwhelming majority of Taiwanese respondents strongly oppose gender self-identification for transgender women. Gender self-identification, particularly for transgender individuals, is a contentious issue in Taiwan, despite the progressive stance…