Could you be autistic? Discover with the RAADS-14 test

Have you ever wondered why social interactions can be so challenging for you, or why certain sensory experiences seem overwhelming? Perhaps you’ve been told you’re a bit different, or you’ve struggled to fit in despite your best efforts. These experiences…

Disney has “earned” latest streaming price hike, CFO says

Enlarge / A scene from Secret Invasion, a Disney+ exclusive. (credit: Marvel) Yesterday, The Walt Disney company announced it will soon raise prices for Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+. Today, it revealed that its streaming business has become profitable for the…

All the possible ways to destroy Google’s monopoly in search

Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson) After US District Judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google has a monopoly in two markets—general search services and general text advertising—everybody is wondering how Google might be forced to change its search business. Specifically, the judge…

Reddit considers search ads, paywalled content for the future

Enlarge (credit: Getty) Reddit executives discussed plans on Tuesday for making more money from the platform, including showing ads in more places and possibly putting some content behind a paywall. On Tuesday, Reddit shared its Q2 2024 earnings report (PDF).…

Scientists uncover a fundamental aspect of time perception

We often think our brains tick away time in perfect synchronization with the clocks on our walls and electronic devices. However, groundbreaking research published in the journal Current Biology provides evidence that our perception of time is not governed by…

Lasers help put the cork on spilled oil

Oil spills at sea pose risks to aquatic life and people. Every year, such toxic spills taint the water at more than 150 U.S. sites alone. Attempts to remove that oil tend to be messy, costly and often not very…

Students scramble after security breach wipes 13,000 devices

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) Students in Singapore are scrambling after a security breach wiped notes and all other data from school-issued iPads and Chromebooks running the mobile device management app Mobile Guardian. According to news reports, the mass wiping came…