2024: The year AI drove everyone crazy

It’s been a wild year in tech thanks to the intersection between humans and artificial intelligence. 2024 brought a parade of AI oddities, mishaps, and wacky moments that inspired odd behavior from both machines and man. From AI-generated rat genitals…

Study finds Camembert cheese compounds improve memory and learning

A recent study published in Neuroscience Research sheds light on the potential cognitive benefits of Camembert cheese. The research reveals that fatty acid amides—compounds generated during the cheese’s fermentation process—enhanced memory and learning in mice fed a high-fat diet. These…

Why there’s no place like home for the holidays

While Christmas playlists often include cheesy favorites like “Rockin Around the Christmas Tree” and “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” there are also a handful of wistful tracks that go a little bit deeper. Listen closely to “I’ll be Home…

The 20 most-read stories of 2024 on Ars Technica

Hey, look at that! Another year has flown by, and I suspect many people would say “good riddance” to 2024. The 2020s have been quite the decade so far. No matter what insanity has transpired by a particular December 31,…

These four factors predict maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent individuals

A new study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders has revealed key factors linked to maladaptive daydreaming in neurodivergent adults. Emotional dysregulation, internalized stigma, escapism, and self-esteem emerged as significant predictors, varying across individuals with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD,…

“Weekend warrior” strategy shows persistent cognitive benefits

A recent study published in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory has revealed that intermittent exercise, akin to the “weekend warrior” pattern, offers lasting cognitive benefits compared to continuous exercise. The research, conducted with mice, found that short bursts of exercise…

Why The Long Kiss Goodnight is a great alt-Christmas movie

Everyone has their favorite film that serves as alternative Christmas movie fare, with Die Hard (1988) and Lethal Weapon (1987) typically topping the list—at least when all you want for Christmas is buddy-cop banter, car chases, shootouts, and glorious explosions.…