Secure attachment linked to lower PTSD symptoms in children, study finds

A meta-analysis of 30 research studies examining children with traumatic experiences found that securely attached children tended to exhibit less severe posttraumatic stress symptoms after experiencing a traumatic event. In contrast, insecure attachment was associated with more severe posttraumatic stress…

Trump nominates Jared Isaacman to become the next NASA administrator

President-elect Donald Trump announced Wednesday he has selected Jared Isaacman, a billionaire businessman and space enthusiast who twice flew to orbit with SpaceX, to become the next NASA administrator. “I am delighted to nominate Jared Isaacman, an accomplished business leader,…

Google’s DeepMind tackles weather forecasting, with great performance

By some measures, AI systems are now competitive with traditional computing methods for generating weather forecasts. Because their training penalizes errors, however, the forecasts tend to get “blurry”—as you move further ahead in time, the models make fewer specific predictions…

Study examines link between psychopathic traits and emotional memory

Psychopathic traits were not significantly associated with recall or recognition of emotional or neutral stimuli, according to a recent study published in the journal Memory. Psychopathy is characterized by interpersonal, affective, and lifestyle traits, such as a lack of empathy…

ESA workers face a maze of non-compete clauses and service contracts

A system of non-competition clauses enforced by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) workforce suppliers is allegedly trapping aerospace professionals who work at ESA’s facilities across Europe in a professional dead-end street. Their contracts prevent job mobility and the possibility to…

Under the microscope, this biologist sees a tiny jungle

To Sally Warring, protists are an absolutely underrated type of wildlife.   “Protists are very charismatic and interesting,” says Warring, who studies these creatures at the Earlham Institute in Norwich, England. Among this richly diverse group of mostly single-celled eukaryotes (creatures…

Gazing at your dog can connect your brain with theirs, research shows

It might sound far-fetched, but recent research suggests that dogs’ and humans’ brains synchronise when they look at each other. This research, conducted by researchers in China, is the first time that “neural coupling” between different species has been witnessed.…