Amazon’s Mass Effect TV series is actually going to be made

Confirming previous rumors, Variety reports that Amazon will be moving ahead with producing a TV series based on the popular Mass Effect video game franchise. The writing and production staff involved might not inspire confidence from fans, though. The series’…

Man sick of crashes sues Intel for allegedly hiding CPU defects

One frustrated customer wants to force Intel to pay untold millions in damages, claiming the company deceptively marketed faulty 13th- and 14th-generation CPUs as “enabling amazing experiences to happen on the PC,” when instead products were prone to crashes and…

What makes baseball’s “magic mud” so special?

Since the 1940s, baseball players have been spreading a special kind of “magic mud” on new baseballs to reduce the slick, glossy shine and give pitchers a firmer grip. Now, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have identified just what…

Airborne microplastics aid in cloud formation

Clouds form when water vapor—an invisible gas in the atmosphere—sticks to tiny floating particles, such as dust, and turns into liquid water droplets or ice crystals. In a newly published study, we show that microplastic particles can have the same…

Antidepressant escitalopram boosts amygdala activity

A study of healthy volunteers in the United Kingdom found that the administration of escitalopram, a common antidepressant, increases activity in the right amygdala region of the brain during an emotional processing task known to activate this area. This change…