Category news

Let’s learn about radiocarbon dating

Say you’re an archaeologist, and you’re studying an ancient skeleton, pair of pants or piece of poop. You want to know just how old that object is, so you can see where it fits into history. But how can you…

How brain activity connects teens’ digital habits to anxiety symptoms

New research published in Affective Science sheds light on how preferences for digital communication over face-to-face interaction are connected to social anxiety in adolescents. Using a novel neurophysiological marker called delta-beta coupling, the study shows that teenagers who rely heavily…

Robotic hand helps pianists overcome “ceiling effect”

Fast and complex multi-finger movements generated by the hand exoskeleton. Credit: Shinichi Furuya Fast and complex multi-finger movements generated by the hand exoskeleton. Credit: Shinichi Furuya When it comes to fine-tuned motor skills like playing the piano, practice, they say,…