Category news

Ars readers gave over $39,000 in our 2024 Charity Drive

Last month, we asked readers to donate to a couple of good causes in our 2024 Charity Drive sweepstakes. And boy, did you deliver. With the drive now complete and the donations all tallied, we can report that Ars Technica…

Study explores how culture shapes the stories we tell about adversity

Narratives of adversity differ significantly across cultures in their themes and relationship to well-being, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Ariana F. Turner and colleagues investigated how cultural contexts influence the way adults…

Cold-weather range hits aren’t as bad for EVs with heat pumps

Andrew Garberson has a message for drivers in cold-climate states like Minnesota: Yes, you can still drive an electric car. Public scrutiny over how well EVs perform in cold weather has grown in recent years following high-profile incidents, like one…

Check out this awesome Street Fighter II car dashboard mod

The latest rage in automotive vehicle design is the so-called “software-defined vehicle.” Instead of dozens and dozens of discrete black boxes, each with its own legacy cruft, an SDV is a clean-sheet approach with a handful of powerful computers, each…