Category news

A common antibiotic might have a slight positive effect on learning

An experiment on healthy young adults found that a single 200 mg oral dose of the antibiotic doxycycline slightly improved declarative learning and memory consolidation. It also very slightly reduced motor learning while improving long-term motor memory. The paper was…

Yet another study disputes link between conservatism and negativity bias

A recent study published in Political Psychology challenges a popular theory: that heightened sensitivity to negative stimuli, known as negativity bias, drives people toward socially conservative political ideologies. While prior research suggested a strong link between physiological responses to threats…

Early screen time not a cause of autism, study concludes

A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics investigated whether screen time in early childhood increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) later in life. While initial analyses suggested a positive association between early screen time and ASD, the researchers…