Earth news quiz 2024: Test yourself on this year’s biggest stories about our planet

How much do you remember about planet Earth in the news over the last 12 months? Take our quiz to find out!
Science and Technolgy blog
How much do you remember about planet Earth in the news over the last 12 months? Take our quiz to find out!
A study published in Appetite sheds light on the potential impact of parenting practices involving food on children’s emotional and eating behaviors. Researchers at the University of North Florida found that coercive food practices are associated with poorer emotional regulation…
Researchers have uncovered promising insights into Alzheimer’s disease through a study focusing on a Colombian family with a high genetic risk for early-onset Alzheimer’s. A rare genetic variant known as APOE3 Christchurch (APOE3Ch), found in members of this family, appears…
An analysis of data from studies conducted in Denmark, Mexico, and Canada found that prenatal exposure to high concentrations of fluoride is associated with lower IQ scores in children at age 7. However, this association depended on the dose. In…
From the mysterious Planet Nine to the prospect of a “human-caused meteor shower,” space and physics editor Brandon Specktor lists his favorite stories of 2024.
An all-in-one microscope kit to nurture the minds of young would-be scientists
A new study published in The Journal of Social Psychology confirms that individuals prefer closer connections with those they perceive as more similar to themselves, even in contexts that emphasize intergroup differences. The research examined attitudes among ethnic, religious, and…
The James Webb space telescope had several stunning findings this year that changed how we understand the universe.
The newly discovered tarantula Trichopelma grande has unusually hairy legs for a ground-dwelling species. It’s also much bigger than its relatives — and scientists aren’t sure why.
Is this upgraded version of our favorite budget treadmill any better?