Sutton Hoo helmet: A gold- and jewel-encrusted relic with ties to Beowulf and a lost Anglo-Saxon king

Fragments of a helmet recovered from the Sutton Hoo ship burial show that early-medieval metalwork could be decorative and functional.
Science and Technolgy blog
Fragments of a helmet recovered from the Sutton Hoo ship burial show that early-medieval metalwork could be decorative and functional.
It’s spring and you’ve probably noticed a change in when the Sun rises and sets. But have you also noticed a change in your mood? We’ve known for a while that light plays a role in our wellbeing. Many of…
Atoms make up everything around us, but do these building blocks of matter ever actually touch?
Bones recovered from a natural shaft unveil a 4,000-year-old massacre of men, women and children, possibly part of a cycle of revenge killings.
New research published in the Journal of Sleep Research has found connections between marathon runners’ circadian preferences, sleep inertia, and race performance. Runners with an evening-oriented circadian preference, or “eveningness,” were found to have slower marathon completion times compared to…
Cannabinol, a lesser-known compound found in the cannabis plant, might hold promise as a sleep aid, according to new research published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology. Researchers found that cannabinol improved sleep quality in rats by increasing the duration of deep…
Bones recovered from a natural shaft unveil a 4,000-year-old massacre of men, women and children, possibly part of a cycle of revenge killings.
A silver amulet found in a 1,800-year-old grave in Germany speaks to the importance — and the risk — of being Christian in Roman times.
Two cannons found at a site dating to 1541 in Arizona may be the oldest surviving firearms in the U.S. They were abandoned by the Spanish after they were defeated in battle.
Astronomers analyzing archival images from JWST have discovered an unexpectedly vast population of the smallest asteroids ever seen in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.