Category news

Lonely individuals tend to think and talk in an unusual way, study finds

Two neuroimaging studies found that lonely individuals’ neural representations of well-known celebrities diverged from those typical for their group in the medial prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain. Lonelier individuals were also more likely to use unusual language when…

What delusions can tell us about the cognitive nature of belief

Beliefs are convictions of reality that we accept as true. They provide us with the basic mental scaffolding to understand and engage meaningfully in our world. Beliefs remain fundamental to our behavior and identity but are not well understood. Delusions,…

Cognitive reflection linked to better decisions in aviation emergencies

Decision-making can mean the difference between safety and disaster in aviation. New research published in Ergonomics investigates the cognitive and experiential factors that influence how pilots make decisions in simulated emergencies. The findings reveal how flight experience, analytical thinking, and…

Pornography’s role in shaping risky sexual norms in young adults

A new longitudinal study published in Psychology of Popular Media has found that increased pornography consumption among university students in Germany is associated with adopting risky sexual scripts and behaviors. The study, which followed participants over nearly two years, provides…