Alligator and crocodile news, features and articles

Alligator and crocodile news, features and articles
Science and Technolgy blog
Alligator and crocodile news, features and articles
A new study suggests that how we handle anger could be a hidden factor in cardiovascular health. The findings, published in Physiology & Behavior, indicate that people with a quick temper, especially those who hold it in, may experience unusual…
The nearby bright star Vega is surrounded by a surprisingly smooth, 100 billion-mile-wide disk of cosmic dust, confirming that it is not surrounded by any exoplanets, JWST images reveal. And scientists cannot explain its lack of alien worlds.
The fossilized leg bone of the terror bird went unidentified for almost 20 years.
Two recent chemistry studies pinpoint reactions that may link the gut microbiome to the development of Parkinson’s disease.
The Nile crocodile is one of the largest predators in Africa.
Cats are quicker than babies to associate a picture of a word with its corresponding picture, new research shows.
Lasers revealed that the city spanned roughly the same area as Beijing and may have been among the most densely populated in the region.
New research is shedding light on how certain personality traits may influence criminality. In a study published in Current Psychology, Machiavellianism—a trait characterized by manipulative and deceitful behavior—emerged as the strongest predictor of repeated criminal activity. This trait, along other…
Save $226 on this feature-packed Garmin fitness tracker in this early Black Friday deal.