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How we fund the content that you read on Live Science.
A recent study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that traits commonly associated with romantic love, such as obsessive thoughts about one’s partner and intense feelings, do not significantly influence how often young adults have sex.…
Elections tend to bring out strong emotions in people. As voters evaluate the candidates, emotions can rise. Political disagreements may emerge. Even between loved ones, friends or neighbors, discussions can turn bitter. And this discord can affect everyone, even those…
Theia (noun, “THAY-ah”) Theia is a planet-sized object that scientists think collided with Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. When Theia smashed into a young Earth, it would have blasted fragments into orbit. And those fragments could have clumped together,…
Tech companies are bracing ahead of the US presidential election, dreading the looming threat of more tariffs that could further restrict the flow of imports from China, no matter which candidate is elected. Tariffs are a tax placed on imports…
Quantum computers are here. But could we ever build a quantum laptop?
This statue of an Egyptian pharaoh is said to have inspired the English poet Shelley to write his famous poem “Ozymandias.”
A new study has found that anger is more strongly linked to alcohol and tobacco use and their related disorders compared to other substances. The research, published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, suggests that anger may…
Earth surface is covered with rigid plates that move, crash into each other and dive into the planet’s interior. But when did this process begin?
When the ‘God of chaos’ asteroid Apophis makes an ultraclose flyby of Earth in 2029, our planet’s gravity may trigger tremors and landslides that totally change the asteroid’s surface.