The 3,300-year-old ancient Egyptian statue of Ramesses II said to have inspired Percy Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’

This statue of an Egyptian pharaoh is said to have inspired the English poet Shelley to write his famous poem “Ozymandias.”
Science and Technolgy blog
This statue of an Egyptian pharaoh is said to have inspired the English poet Shelley to write his famous poem “Ozymandias.”
A new study has found that anger is more strongly linked to alcohol and tobacco use and their related disorders compared to other substances. The research, published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, suggests that anger may…
Earth surface is covered with rigid plates that move, crash into each other and dive into the planet’s interior. But when did this process begin?
When the ‘God of chaos’ asteroid Apophis makes an ultraclose flyby of Earth in 2029, our planet’s gravity may trigger tremors and landslides that totally change the asteroid’s surface.
A 6-mile-think shell of methane ice on Saturn’s moon Titan could assist in the hunt for life signs arising from this moon’s vast subsurface ocean.
A recent study in the Journal of Personality sheds new light on the connection between political views and well-being. The findings indicate that those with more liberal views tend to experience lives filled with psychological richness, marked by diverse and…
NASA’s Perseverance rover found strange green spots in Martian rock, potentially indicating a past interaction with liquid water.
A study of couples in Austria and Germany has found that individuals with a stronger tendency toward moral disengagement report more instances of cheating and are more likely to suspect their partners of infidelity. These individuals do not necessarily deny…
An excavation at a Roman fortress in the country of Georgia has revealed a gold offering to a god of war, a colorful mosaic and other artifacts.
We take our timekeeping rules for granted, but the history of these rules is long and complex.