Largest known prime number, spanning 41 million digits, discovered by amateur mathematician using free software

A draw housing six Sapphire Technology AMD graphics processing units (GPUs).
Science and Technolgy blog
A draw housing six Sapphire Technology AMD graphics processing units (GPUs).
Leading climate scientists ring alarm bell on key Atlantic Ocean current collapse in open letter
It’s been just over two years now since soon-to-depart CTO John Carmack told a Meta Connect audience about his vision for a super low-end VR headset that came in at $250 and 250 grams. “We’re not building that headset today,…
A new NASA-led study suggests that photosynthetic microbes could thrive in hidden bubbles of meltwater below patches of ice on Mars. This could be one of the easiest places to search for extraterrestrial life “anywhere in the universe,” the team…
An ancient temple made by Arabian immigrants from the Nabataean culture has finally been found off the Italian coast near Naples.
A new study published in Consciousness and Cognition has revealed that individuals with aphantasia, a condition where people cannot form mental visual images, experience storytelling in a markedly different way than those with typical mental imagery. While aphantasics enjoy stories…
Astronomers have found a world shrouded in an atmosphere of water vapor, orbiting a star 100 light-years away.
Lakes appearing in the Sahara desert captured in satellite images after a cyclone dumped a years’ worth of rain on northern Africa in just a few days.
Two preserved great auk specimens displayed at a museum in 1971. The last pair of great auks were killed in 1844.
New cars really are better than they used to be. They last longer, they’re more efficient, and they’re safer for the occupants in a crash. But it’s not entirely a one-way street. If the last time you bought a car…