Category news

How foreign influence campaigns manipulate your social media feeds

Foreign influence campaigns, or information operations, have been widespread in the run-up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Influence campaigns are large-scale efforts to shift public opinion, push false narratives or change behaviors among a target population. Russia, China, Iran,…

Caffeine might have a protective role against Alzheimer’s disease

A study of individuals with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease in France found that participants who consumed less caffeine had 2.49 times higher odds of having amnestic mild cognitive impairment and worse levels of specific cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers associated…

Two never-before-seen tools, from same group, infect air-gapped devices

Researchers have unearthed two sophisticated toolsets that a nation-state hacking group—possibly from Russia—used to steal sensitive data stored on air-gapped devices, meaning those that are deliberately isolated from the Internet or other networks to safeguard them from malware. One of…