32 weird ways to fight climate change that just might work

From “MooLoos” to painting mountains, these silly scientific suggestions could actually help with climate change.
Science and Technolgy blog
From “MooLoos” to painting mountains, these silly scientific suggestions could actually help with climate change.
If you’ve ever felt drained by intense mental effort, science now backs up your experience. A new meta-analysis, published in Psychological Bulletin, shows that mental tasks requiring effort are often accompanied by unpleasant emotions. From students solving tough problems to…
We all hold in farts from time to time, but where does the gas go?
Sept. 28, 2024: Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the weekend.
Enlarge / A still from Wolfs, an Apple-produced film starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. (credit: Apple) For the past few years, Apple has been making big-budget movies meant to compete with the best traditional Hollywood studios have to offer,…
Enlarge / One of the jets emitted by galaxy M87’s central black hole. (credit: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)) The intense electromagnetic environment near a black hole can accelerate particles to a large fraction of the speed of…
Enlarge / There’s been a lot of AI news this week, and covering it sometimes feels like running through a hall full of danging CRTs, just like this Getty Images illustration. (credit: Grandfailure via Getty Images) It’s been a wildly…
iFixit’s iPhone 16 and 16 Plus teardown. iFixit has published teardown views for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro, along with their larger cousins, the Plus and Pro Max. The videos are really marketing for iFixit’s various repair kits…
Star explosions called novas are happening twice as often near a gargantuan black hole jet as they are in the rest of the galaxy, and astronomers aren’t sure why.
Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | eccolo74) Valve Corporation, tired of paying arbitration fees, has removed a mandatory arbitration clause from Steam’s subscriber agreement. Valve told gamers in yesterday’s update that they must sue the company in order to resolve disputes.…