An African strontium map sheds light on the origins of enslaved people
While genetic tests can reveal the ancestry of enslaved individuals, strontium analysis can now home…
Science and Technolgy blog
While genetic tests can reveal the ancestry of enslaved individuals, strontium analysis can now home…
Lava Bomb (noun, “LAH-vah BAHM”) Lava bombs are one type of debris that explosive volcanic…
A new study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology challenges the common belief that…
One of a telescope operator’s main jobs is to keep stray light out of the…
From Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics to bipedal machines you can buy today, here…
How do Hula-Hoops keep from falling down as we twirl them around?
A tiny head carved from mammoth ivory looks back at us from the Stone Age.
A new study published in Frontiers in Social Psychology suggests that the popular social media…
A new psychological concept called “lay theories of diversity initiatives” may help explain why diversity…
A recent study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs suggests that people who use…
A study of Paleolithic skeletons from Central Europe suggests people’s teeth were worn down and…
A longitudinal study in Israel found that fathers with more pronounced alexithymia before the birth…
This human evolution quiz will test your knowledge of our species, including when and how…
A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General suggests that widely used…
New James Webb Space Telescope observations of a star cluster called NGC 346 are shedding…
This is the oldest confirmed use of a mixture comprising two or more plant toxins…
Higher levels of attachment avoidance in both mothers and fathers were associated with lower sexual…
Human biology is vastly more energy efficient than today’s computing.
Mercury takes only 88 Earth days to orbit the sun.
A new study published in Computers in Human Behavior explores how competitive attitudes influence in-game…
If you’re wondering whether birds are reptiles, know this: The reptile family tree is more…
The seventh test flight of SpaceX’s gigantic Starship rocket came to a disappointing end a…
From stunning artwork to evidence of elaborate prehistoric butchering, Live Science takes a look at…
A section of the upper mantle and crust under the Sierra Nevada mountains is peeling…